CEO /writer/Illustrator
AKA Casual_Hero
From playing guitar in metal bands to competing in martial arts i have alway been involved in the creative fields. It wasn’t until i attended a comic pro bootcamp class that i realized that after 30 years i might be able to learn to draw. I came up with Crimson Titan as a way to pass on what i have been learning through my journey as a new professional artist and writer to help other artists close that gap. There is a big difference between ebing able to draw well and telling a full story in an industry with pressures behind it. Can you meet a dealine? can you take criticism and edits? can you conduct yourself in a professional manner.
I have been blessed with opportunites and want to pay that forward. Crimson Titan allows me to explore all my creative endevours between art and music, hopefully with more projects to come. It is through those expressions i can exercise my skills and creativity to help me grow more in the industry as well. Being an artist is like building muscle you have to continually work out through struggle, stress, fatigue and uncertainty before you can achieve the results. Its a matter of faith that the blessings will be there when you invest yourself.