A serial killer murder mystery set in a 1920 era backdrop that tears the fabric of reality back in a cat and mouse gambit between man and monster and blurs the line of how each is defined
In Louisson City a growing unease settles over the population as the city is beset by a series of brutal, bizzarre murders. The Shadows now seeming to hold more diabolical secrets, a horrible evil lurking and waiting for its next victim. As the Terror rises reports of a monster sightings flood the papers and polcie stations.
In another part of town, an amnesiac wakes again at sunset to mysterious newspaper clippings about the crimes. Who is this man? Why doesn’t he remember who he is? And why does he feel a connection to the crimes?
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The Premiere prologue issue #0 as it appeared in the Noir Anthology. We’re launched into the noir, sinister mystery taking our first stepss into a dark world that continues in the forthcoming full issues.